Sweeping the disks

Every now and then it’s necessary to make some extra room on the disks. I’ve found a set of free tools that helps me see what is taking up all the space.

JDiskReport (Multi-platform)

JDiskReport presents multiple views for getting the statistics of file sizes. The default view is a pie chart showing the sizes of each of the subfolders in the current selected folder. Alternate views are included to determine the file types that use the most space, largest files in the entire tree, file size and file age. It is available for Windows, Mac, Linux and other Java-supported platforms.

OmniDiskSweeper (for Mac)

OmniDiskSweeper by the Omni Group (probably better known for developing the OmniGraffle diagramming software) is a small nifty program for the Mac that sweeps your drive and gives you an easy listing of the folders and subfolders that take up the most space.  The integrated delete button makes it easy to remove any unneeded files without looking in Finder.

Hope these applications help you quickly and effectively clean up space on your computer.


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