Here are some of my personal projects that I have worked on recently.
T-Comm (Web)

T-Comm is a web application designed for mobile browsers to provide a realtime system map of buses in Metro Vancouver, and the status and history of any specific bus in the system.
Catechism of the Catholic Church App

I created an Android app that provides easier access into the Catechism of the Catholic Church hosted online by St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church.
Chinese Characters App
I took the "Chinese Written Characters" course at Langara College in 2018 which introduced about 250 basic Chinese characters and radicals. I had a hard time studying and learning the characters, so I created this app which made it easy for me to flip through the characters I was learning, and to quiz myself. Download...
iTMAC is an app for iOS devices that simulates a TMAC (Transit Management and Communication System) panel found on buses in the Metro Vancouver region.
App Remote (Mac)
App Remote is an application for the Mac that listens to buttons pressed on an Apple Remote, and delegates the event to an application-specific AppleScript.