Catechism of the Catholic Church App

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I was looking for a simple app that I could use on my Android phone to quickly look up paragraphs in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC).  However, I couldn’t find any good Android apps that fit my bill, and most of the sites that do host the CCC  have a mobile-friendly interface (the ones I frequent are St. Charles Borromeo, Vatican and Knights of Columbus), or a reference-friendly interface.

So I created this Catechism App as a wrapper for the CCC hosted on the St. Charles Borromeo site, which I believe is one of the copies that is more visually clean and easy to navigate.  Unfortunately due to copyright, I can’t bundle the CCC text within the app, so an Internet connection is required to load the pages from their site.

There are many features still in the works.  I’d like to implement better searching, bookmarking and sticky notes.  Are there features that you’d like to see?  Leave me a note!


Download the Catechism App from the Google Play Store.


6 thoughts on “Catechism of the Catholic Church App

  1. Dennis its rare to find an app so clean and easy to use, with no tweaking necessary. I was hoping that you had other apps for other resources. It seems not. I would be interested if you ever do.
    I have been using an app called Hermit to do similar things, and I had already “created an app” for the CCC from St Charles but it doesnt compare to yours.
    Not even close.
    God bless you and thankyou!

  2. I have used your app so many times since I found it several years ago. It is such a blessing to be able to call up the references to the CCC mentioned in the Truth and Life app and in the EWTN app. May you be blessed a thousand times over.

    1. Hi Jemie, I’ve updated this app last week. Please make sure you have updated to the latest version. If it still isn’t working, please let me know what error you are seeing.

  3. Hi Dennis, I came across your app on a Google search but it is not currently available in Google Play because the current version is not compatible with the latest update of Google Play

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