I’m amazed at the easiness of the WordPress upgrade system. The “three step upgrade” really lives up to its name; I upgraded from quite an old version of WordPress and I had no problems with the upgrade at all. However, I wish the same could be said about themes. As you can see, I’ve reverted to the default theme for now.
Articles about this site itself.
A wreck
Ok something needs to be done to my site. Currently between work, MyBB, and other commitments I have found very little time to work on this. I have temporarily closed the forum section down (except for the plugins which are still available for download) until my new site is up. Also, I recently got a Flickr pro account where I will be storing my collections of photos.
A New DennisTT.Net Is Coming To Town
In the next few weeks I’m planning on moving off of WordPress onto my self-coded blog. Along with it will be a new theme. Here is a sneak preview This will be version 4 of DennisTT.Net
Changes to DennisTT.Net
I’ve made a few changes to DennisTT.Net. I’ve gotten rid of Etomite, and so the blog (and site) is fully powered by WordPress. The gallery has now been replaced with my Flickr account. I hope to get a bit more integration between MyBB and WordPress in the next few weeks after my second set of exams are done.
We’re back!
Etomite encountered some problems in the past week so while I was busy I had my front page forwarded to the forums. But now I’ve upgraded Etomite and it’s working fine, so welcome back!