
I am a transit enthusiast and photographer. My interests are mainly in buses and trains. I also like to use my programming experience to analyze data feeds such as TransLink’s scheduled and real time data.

Besides my gallery of transit photos, I currently maintain the “T-Comm” live map of buses and moderate the Transit-Vancouver Discord chat server.

My transit photography
“T-Comm” live bus map

What transit enthusiasts/fans do

Transit enthusiasts are known by many other names, some more specialized than others, including: transit fans, bus fans, rail fans, rail spotters, airplane spotters, etc.

Each person is unique and may be interested in different aspects of public transportation.  Here are some things transit enthusiasts might participate in:

  • Spotting, riding and/or photographing vehicles, especially ones that are new, about to be retired, or refurbished vehicles
  • Finding anomalies in the transit system, for example, buses with advertisement wraps, types of buses that you usually don’t find assigned to a route
  • Collecting memorabilia such as schedules, maps, pamphlets, or legally acquired items off decommissioned vehicles and equipment
  • Recording or searching up historical information about transit systems

Resources for Vancouver Transit Fans

Here are some resources that some transit fans in the Metro Vancouver area might find useful.

SkyTrain Resources


Here are photo galleries of fellow transit fans:

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