FatCow Sales Live Chat

I was just evaluating some popular hosting packages on the Internet and I somehow came across FatCow. So I was just asking a simple question to FatCow hosting sales about the control panel software they use, and here is the result.  I’ve removed the live chat agent’s name and replaced it with “Agent”.

Thank you for contacting support. Please be prepared to answer your Security Question when we begin chatting. To enhance our security protocols, we’ll need you to provide the answer to your Security Question at the beginning of our conversation. If you have not yet set your Security Question and Answer, please log into your account now to set it up. Thank you. Please hold for the next available operator to respond.

You are now chatting with ‘Agent’

Agent: Hi Dennis

Agent: Sorry about  the hold

Agent: How can I help you today?

Dennis: What control panel software do you use?

A few minutes elapses here.

Dennis: Hello?

Agent: one moment

Agent: c-panel

Dennis: What version?

Agent: one moment let me verify

Another few minutes tick by…

Dennis: Hello?

Agent: still verifying

After a minute or so:

Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.



3 thoughts on “FatCow Sales Live Chat

  1. i asked another operator what control panel they have. and he replied with, “we have control panel”
    Another Asked from what website i entered the chat from, so obviously outsourcing company their using to handle this.

  2. Lol, doesn’t look like FatCow hosting support team know what control panel is used. I can understand them not knowing the version number, but seriously they should know what control panel software there hosting company offers.

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