This past week, the co-op students at A Thinking Ape participated in an internal hackathon where they had two days to develop something to show the rest of the company. Among the games and tools that resulted, one project stood out to me: a hello world app. Yes, a hello world app. (For those not in the software development field, “hello world” is usually the first output that developers code when trying out a new platform or language.) It had a white background, black text that said “Hello World,” and a green button that was labeled, “I am a button.” It Continue Reading
TOK Essay…Done!
Wednesday February 15th: TOK Essay: Done! Completed! Finished! No more drafts! Yay! (Not that much work needed to be done on it, but it just feels good to have finished something else towards my IB diploma :P) Next up: Geography field study! (Geography > History). The data we got from our study was… weird… but the upside to that is we’ll have lots to write for the Sources of Error and Evaluation of Technique. Well I guess that’s what we get when we rely on everyone in the class gathering data, and consequently have to ‘assume’ the data is ‘correct.’ Continue Reading