IB on Ice

I think this was one of the more fun mandatory-fun events (in the IB program, there are many extra sessions and events that are mandatory, and hence called “mandatory fun”). Haven’t skated for few years and I found out I can still skate, barely, in the forward direction :). Ok so yes I did learn figure skating before, but that was when I was young and I’ve lost most if not all or my figure-skating skills since then.

Bad points:

  • Skate rentals take way too long, and they should keep their skates sharpened
  • Time on ice was too short
  • Going around in one direction is boring

Good points:

  • I finally did get on the ice with decent skates
  • Pizza
  • Does this count for active CAS hours?

Anyway, it was a great way to end the week, and thanks to IB Council for organizing the event.


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