When frames are too many

I was digging around my backups and came across this mockup of a site my friend and I worked on ten years ago, but never published.  This was when Microsoft FrontPage was still around, frames were OK, and <blink>, <marquee> and animated GIFs were the rage, and when the whole world used Internet Explorer.

I guess it didn’t occur to us back then that nine frames were eight frames too many.  Oh, have times changed 🙂

Odyssey Web Mockup with 9 frames

Today, HTML framesets are rarely used.  Server-side scripting such as PHP is used to replicate common code across multiple pages.  Client-side alternatives such as CSS positioning and overflow allow elements on the page to be statically attached to the window, or to have internal contents overflow with scrollbars automatically.  Browsers such as Firefox and Chrome have dominated the browser market share.


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