
Nearly a month has passed from my first day at UBC. Maybe it’s this MWF/TuTh schedule thing that makes time pass by so much faster. “Time flies when you’re having fun,” as Mr. Picard used to say, but the past month hasn’t been all fun; rather, it has been a lot of textbook reading (obviously), and a lot of note-taking (duh), and a lot of walking between buildings (evil 10 minute break to walk from Dempster Pavilion [computer science lecture] to the Mathematics building [roughly 900m apart + intelligently moving obstacles]). One month into the start of the year and Continue Reading

Poor camera :(

I found out today that the LCD screen on my digital camera had cracked. Now all that shows up are blobs of black and purple on a white background. *sigh* I’ve learned my lesson: Protect the LCD screen with more than a piece of plastic and carry it in a case. Perhaps one from ‘da Products will work better in the future. I read a thread about people complaining about the delicate nature of the LCD on Canon digital cameras. On the model I have, there is no built-in hard protector between the LCD and the environment. In my opinion, Continue Reading

TOK Essay…Done!

Wednesday February 15th: TOK Essay: Done! Completed! Finished! No more drafts! Yay! (Not that much work needed to be done on it, but it just feels good to have finished something else towards my IB diploma :P) Next up: Geography field study! (Geography > History). The data we got from our study was… weird… but the upside to that is we’ll have lots to write for the Sources of Error and Evaluation of Technique. Well I guess that’s what we get when we rely on everyone in the class gathering data, and consequently have to ‘assume’ the data is ‘correct.’ Continue Reading

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