Why we Pray and How to Pray

“Prayer.” In youth ministry, it’s one of the most common responses youth give when they can’t think of anything else. Catholics who were raised in the faith from childhood may have been taught reciting prayers such as the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and other “standard” prayers. Is “prayer” just saying the same words over and over again? Why do we as Catholics pray? And how do we pray to make the most out of it? In the past two weeks, Fr. Justin Huang, pastor of St. Anthony of Padua parish in Vancouver, preached in his homilies the answers Continue Reading

Anyone can drive fast, but merging is a skill

It’s one thing to know how to step on the accelerator pedal, but it’s another to know how to effectively merge into another lane… This driver of the big white truck that zooms by in the right lane leaves themselves no room to merge when they reach the parked car ahead. Merging works best when matching the speed of other traffic, not too fast, not too slow (or worst, when stopped).