MyBB Development Update: Moderation

I’ve also been working on MyBB recently and I’ve added a significant feature to MyBB 1.2 a few days ago, which I’ll let you people guess what it is. The feature was not requested due to popularity (I don’t think many people had suggested it on the MyBB Community Forums), but within the staff team there were some who supported this feature. I’ll start off with this clue and add more hints later if requested:

A couple of months ago, I converted most of the stuff in moderation.php into a class. This will allow plugins and other features within MyBB to easily call these methods to moderate threads and posts. An example:
[php]require MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_moderation.php";
$moderation = new Moderation;
$moderation->close_threads(array(1, 3, 45));[/php]
Obviously from the description above, this new feature has something to do with the moderation system…


25 thoughts on “MyBB Development Update: Moderation

  1. I’ll take a stab at it…. The new feature allows you to close all threads by a specified user or users at once.

  2. I’ve shifted bandwidth to you, I could help it with your mesmerising stare.

    As for the feature, it may look like that you can close specific threads all at once.

  3. I’ll take a stab at it…. The new feature allows you to close all threads by a specified user or users at once.

    No, that’s not it 😛 It’s something really nice… and… and… I can’t think of a hint that doesn’t give it away completely… 🙂

  4. Belloman said:

    I’ll take a stab at it…. The new feature allows you to close all threads by a specified user or users at once.

    No, that’s not it :P It’s something really nice… and… and… I can’t think of a hint that doesn’t give it away completely… :)

    I agree, it’s hard to come up with clues hehe.

  5. Well the other problem is that we haven’t decided on the official name for it yet… 😛 But anyway the name’s not important, but the concept is 🙂

  6. Oooo!

    Can I have a guess? Please?

    I haven’t actually tried it yet – I’ll probably get around to that later tonight when I’m testing some other new changes.

  7. Your really going to have to give us a clue…

    Is it about deleting something?

    Chris what do you think it is? LOL

  8. Chris Boulton said:

    Oh, I know what it is – Dennis double checked with me before he began implementing it.

    Yeah I usually just slip the small stuff in without asking (or ask after the commit) 😛 Chris probably hates me for that 🙂

  9. Chris Boulton said:
    I must say, the options it gives you are pretty damn extensive.

    It sure is quite nice, with plenty of options for everything you need… And that’s all I’ll say about it, I think… 😛

  10. I was going to add some more options for the “copy thread” portion — I forgot when I first made it 🙂 Otherwise I’d agree the options are quite extensive.

  11. Bobby said:
    Can I buy a vowel?

    Yeh sure, if your gonna actually pay me. You can pay me via PayPal, Check, Money, or VISA.

    But yeh, the options it impliments are very nice, and allow for lots more customizability in the Moderation type. When it was first implimented I was like “huh”, because I didn’t know what it did, but after playing around with it a little bit I was able to figure it out. And I was quite pleased.

    Hmm…. I wish you can edit replies. Anyway, heres a little tip if you ever get on the MyBB team. Just do the commit without asking, and then ask, but make sure the feature is good or else Chris will remove it. Also know what your implimenting because if you just want to impliment a random feature that you just “like” chris will fly all the way to your home and strap you up to the wall and beat you for hours at a time. (Believe me, personal experience)!

  12. Dennis said:
    Tikitiki you essentially gave it away

    Ha, yeah right… That’s so unfair, mods get to view the beta, whereas translators still dont have access. 🙁

    Oh well, ill have to wait, im over guessing.

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