Finally fully working camera again, and some buses in the snow

In August of this year, some pressure from an unknown source cracked my LCD screen, and since then I have been using it without an LCD screen (quite difficult, but still usable).  A week ago, I ordered a replacement LCD from Foto Geeks and I received it today (coincidentally the day I was home).  Following Andy’s LCD replacement tutorial I successfully replaced the cracked LCD screen I have had almost for half a year.  Wondering what the cracked LCD looks like?

Cracked LCD Screen
Cracked LCD Screen

The replacement was without problem except I made two scratches on the backlight, and nearly damaged the backlight ribbon cable, but hey at least I can see the camera settings without trying to guess whether the flash is on or off.

So while I was running a couple of errands, I quickly went out to UBC to see how the snow is over there.  Along the way I took some photos.  Presenting…snowy Vancouver (and its buses):
Snow on my block 2780 IMG_2488 2107 R3222 2739 2929 2142 2142 2142 2924 2924 2924's pair of trolley shoes Looking east on Agronomy Road in UBC Agronomy Road UBC Main Mall UBC Abdul Ladha Science Student Centre Wesbrook Mall & University Blvd 99 To Boundary B-Line on Wesbrook Mall

Guess I should go back to studying now =)


2 thoughts on “Finally fully working camera again, and some buses in the snow

  1. Something similar happened to…i was out home for like 2 days when i came back home.. i decided to use my cam abit and i have discovered that everything looks messed up and mono-colored on the screen.. i thought it is the lcd however when you go to options bla bla everything looks perfect.. so it seems in my case it was the lence that was hit someway and it is not displaying the right scene :(.

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