I’m currently taking CPSC 430 and one of the requirements is to keep a journal throughout the term. I will be blogging here my class notes, thoughts, and links as they come up that are relevant to the course material. Also, see the other posts in the CPSC 430 category. Class notes Patents iPhone (Apple) – e.g. ,“movement-based interface” e.g., sealed crust-less sandwich e.g., online shopping cart – “One Click” – Apple licenses from Amazon leaning shoes Bilski – business model patent (fixed-price energy contract) No machines/systems, just method Weakened patenting process Really need a lawyer to understand claims
Computers and Society
During my studies at the University of British Columbia, I took a course entitled “Computers and Society”. We were required to keep a journal or blog of things learned during that course.
CPSC 430 – July 9, 2010
I’m currently taking CPSC 430 and one of the requirements is to keep a journal throughout the term. I will be blogging here my class notes, thoughts, and links as they come up that are relevant to the course material. Also, see the other posts in the CPSC 430 category. Creative Commons Intellectual Property in International Context WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization TRIPS – agreement Berne Convention – 1886 international agreement regarding copyright Levy on blank media $0.21 per blank CD, $2-25 for MP3 players Specified personal use only Open Source Commercialization vs distribution Poor Man’s copyright Mail to Continue Reading
CPSC 430 – July 7, 2010
I’m currently taking CPSC 430 and one of the requirements is to keep a journal throughout the term. I will be blogging here my class notes, thoughts, and links as they come up that are relevant to the course material. Also, see the other posts in the CPSC 430 category. Censorship Situation in Burma improved since book publication – reasonably priced internet, but slow. Burma VJ movie Circumvention Proxy, VPN – but hard to obtain from inside the country Tor, darknet Steganography – concealed writing in images/audio. Chinese vertical text (while filter reads horizontally) Obfuscation Fair use 4 factors (purpose/character Continue Reading
CPSC 430 – July 5, 2010
I’m currently taking CPSC 430 and one of the requirements is to keep a journal throughout the term. I will be blogging here my class notes, thoughts, and links as they come up that are relevant to the course material. Also, see the other posts in the CPSC 430 category. IP (intellectual property) – any product of human intellect that has commercial value IP != its physical manifestation Property rights –based on culture – e.g., western more individual, first nations more communal “manifest destiny” – in US – expansion east to west + make use of natural resources old fashioned Continue Reading
CPSC 430 – July 2, 2010
I’m currently taking CPSC 430 and one of the requirements is to keep a journal throughout the term. I will be blogging here my class notes, thoughts, and links as they come up that are relevant to the course material. Also, see the other posts in the CPSC 430 category. Class notes for today: Censorship – aka – auditing information, filtering/parsing, protecting people, limiting access, sanitization, giving people freedom to surf the internet without dangerous effects – usually has negative connotations -> bias 4 boxes – speech necessary to make change in society (American of course) – soap box, ballot Continue Reading