And it starts all over again…

It feels like September again, except I know where the buildings are.  Time to memorize a new timetable and remember not to follow the old timetable.  Can’t say much about the courses yet, after attending only the first class. New Year’s Resolution: Sleep earlier, wake up earlier. I cross-post my blog on Xanga and now also on Facebook because everybody seems to be addicted to it now :P.  I wonder what will be next…hopefully not MySpace.

What’s happening?

Dennis has completed his computer science final exam (last Thursday), chemistry final exam (yesterday), and English final exam (today). Dennis is currently studying for his math final exam (tomorrow) and his biology final exam (next Monday). Dennis just realized he’s more than half way done final exams.  Yay! Dennis goes back to study.


When I first read one of the recent e-Strategy Updates at UBC with the title starting with “A Better Vista…” I thought it was announcing the computer’s operating system upgrade to Microsoft’s latest operating system Windows Vista. But instead something, much more useful than Windows Vista, was to be upgraded: WebCT (the “learning management system” at UBC). In this term, three (and a half) of my classes had a WebCT homepage, and I found it very useful to be able to get lecture outlines, practice exams, post on the bulletin board, and other helpful material, but there was only one Continue Reading


Nearly a month has passed from my first day at UBC. Maybe it’s this MWF/TuTh schedule thing that makes time pass by so much faster. “Time flies when you’re having fun,” as Mr. Picard used to say, but the past month hasn’t been all fun; rather, it has been a lot of textbook reading (obviously), and a lot of note-taking (duh), and a lot of walking between buildings (evil 10 minute break to walk from Dempster Pavilion [computer science lecture] to the Mathematics building [roughly 900m apart + intelligently moving obstacles]). One month into the start of the year and Continue Reading