MyBB 1.2 Beta: Custom Moderation

Custom Moderator Tools are one of the new sections in the Admin Control Panel in MyBB 1.2. Also known as ‘multi-moderation’, this feature allows you to add ‘tools’ to the standard moderator options that allow you to do many moderator actions at the same time. For example, for our beta boards, we have a tool to mark fixed bug threads with a [F] and move it into the appropriate “Fixed Bugs” forum, and also add a reply stating that the bug was fixed. The tools allow moderators to do many actions in one, saving time and effort.

In the Admin CP, administrators can either add a “Post” tool or a “Thread” tool. As you may be able to guess, the Post tool is shown in the Inline Post Moderation options at the bottom of each thread. The “Thread” tools are shown at the bottom of the Inline Thread Moderation options at the bottom of each forum, and also at the bottom of each thread in the Moderation Options menu. As you can see from the screenshots below, there are many options that you may choose to include for each type of tool.

And the custom tools are displayed in an option-group clearly separated at the bottom of the moderator menus:

And yes this feature was the guess-the-feature in one of my previous blog posts.

It took me a while to convert all the moderator actions into a class first so that the custom moderation tools could easily execute them, but I think the work is worth it in the long run, as we can now mark bug threads and suggestion threads on the Community Boards with ease 🙂 and I’m sure many administrators and moderators out there will find it quite useful on their board as well.


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