Shaw Upgrades Internet Speed

My ISP, Shaw Cable, is upgrading the internet speed of their plans.  The plan we’re on is getting a speed boost from 5Mb/s to 7.5Mb/s.  Also, they are adding the “PowerBoost” technology free on our accounts which boosts download speed double for the first 10MB of the download.

We have great news for you! Shaw is committed to bringing you the very best products and services, and that includes the FASTEST Internet at the best value. As a result we are making significant upgrades to our network in your area which will allow us to increase your Shaw High-Speed Internet download speed by 50%, from 5 Mbps to 7.5 Mbps! This will not affect your monthly cost for High-Speed Internet; your bill will remain exactly the same.

What you will notice is how much faster you can download photos, videos and large files, giving you the best online experience.

And, not only are we making your Internet faster, we’re also including PowerBoost™, an extra burst of speed when downloading, at no extra charge. The best part is you don’t have to do a thing. It will all happen automatically.

Our network upgrades will take place and change over the next month. Once we have completed the upgrade in your area we will notify you by email to let you know.

We hope that you enjoy the 50% download speed increase.


According to the WorldPoliticsReview blog, in 2007 the countries which averaged top broadband speed were Japan and Korea, over 50Mb/s at very small cost per Mb/s.  Second class countries were Finland, Sweden, and France, averaging 20Mb/s.  Canada sits 8th on the list for average speed, but we’re down at #15 for price per Mb/s.  The US are #15 in terms of speed, but #6 in terms of cost.  Again this data is from 2007 so much could have changed since then.

Can we catch up to Japan and Korea soon? 🙂


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