Writely Goes Google

I briefly reviewed Writely, the web word processor, a few couple of months ago in one of my blog posts. Quite recently, it appears that Google has acquired the company that develops Writely. I think that means we can expect great things to come with the development of Writely on Google’s scale. I can’t wait for Writely’s popularity to grow to become popular like Gmail 😉 Writely blog post Google’s blog post

Writely – The Web Word Processor

While I was reading some stuff on the internet about Web 2.0, I came across Writely – The Web Word Processor. “Simple & secure document collaboration and publishing.” This is no ordinary word processor. It’s not even a downloadable program. Writely is an online word processor that you can access from anywhere through any compatible web browser (IE 5.5+, Firefox 1.0.6+, Mozilla 1.4+) that has cookies and Javascript enabled. Although it is run on the web browser, the editor is WYSIWYG and can support the most common formatting (bold, italics, underline, lists, tables) and even includes a spell check. You Continue Reading

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